Elder Quintin Nard was born on August 17, 1989 to Deacon Robert Nard, Jr. and Mother Queen Brumfield Nard, Louisiana Eastern 2nd Jurisdictional Department of Women Supervisor. He has 5 siblings; two sisters, Angelena and Sherrell and three brothers, Robert III, Branford and Dante.  

Elder Nard grew up as a member of Thompson Temple Church of God in Christ of Gretna, LA under the leadership of the late Bishop Joseph Anthony Thompson, Jr. As a child, Elder Nard loved going to church and participating. 

After having an undeniable encounter with the Lord, Elder Nard knew that he must have Christ in his life and accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal savior at the age of 12 in November 2001 and was filled with the Baptism of the Holy Ghost at age 14 on August 27, 2003. After being displaced by Hurricane Katrina, one day Elder Nard was standing outside of his grandfather’s home, the late Superintendent Daniel Muse, when he heard the heavenly call to preach the word of God. He readily told the Lord yes and without hesitation shared the great news with his parents and grandparents. After the demise of his pastor, Bishop Thompson in January 2005, the pastorate was given to Elder Keith E. Thornton, Sr. Elder Nard continued to serve faithfully under his leadership and was given opportunities to serve in different leadership capacities as a young man. 

Elder Nard went to college in Rhode Island in 2007 and became a member of Pentecostal Church of God in Christ of Providence, RI under the leadership of the late Administrative Assistant Nathaniel V. Witcher. He developed a close relationship with Pastor Witcher and received teaching necessary for the ministry and in his personal walk with the Lord. Elder Nard grew mightily in the Lord and was licensed as a minister in April 2008.   

In 2011, Elder Nard returned back home to New Orleans, LA after completing his studies at Johnson and Wales University; the Lord planted him at Fifth Church of God in Christ of New Orleans, LA under the leadership of the late Administrative Assistant Warren Foster, Senior.  In July 2013, Elder Nard was ordained as an Elder in the Church of God in Christ under the leadership of Bishop Gerald H. Hawkins, Sr., Jurisdictional Prelate of Louisiana Eastern Second Jurisdiction. Administrative Assistant Foster recognized and embraced the calling and anointing on Elder Nard’s life and he encouraged, advised and contributed to his growth in ministry. 

In May 2018, the Lord led Elder Nard to relocate back to Providence, RI to help his spiritual father, the late Administrative Assistant Witcher in the ministry. After the demise of Administrative Assistant Witcher, Elder Nard was installed as Co-Pastor of Pentecostal Church of God in Christ alongside Pastor Mary Datcher-Witcher in Providence, RI in August 2019  by Bishop Harvey L. Lewis, Sr., the Prelate of the Rhode Island Jurisdiction. On February 23, 2020, the Lord blessed Elder Nard to marry the beautiful and vivacious Evangelist, Christina Denise Robinson. Pursuing the wishes of the late Pastor Witcher, Bishop Lewis received the recommendation of Elder Nard as Pastor of Pentecostal Church of God in Christ and appointed him on April 11, 2020.

Elder Nard has a servant's heart and from the beginning of his walk with the Lord, he has loved to serve the people of God. He has served in many capacities on the local, district, jurisdictional and national levels of the Church of God in Christ. Currently, he serves as Rhode Island Jurisdictional AIM (Auxiliaries In Ministry) Chairman, and COGIC national altar worker.  Above all, Elder Nard considers being a child of God as the greatest title and desires to see souls saved, filled with the Holy Ghost and walking in their God given purpose.