Our Story

How it all started...

In 1979 Elder Nathaniel Virgil Witcher and his wife, Sister B. Verlena Witcher assumed the pastorate of Pentecostal Church of God in Christ located on 24 Myrtle Street in the City of Providence. Elder Witcher took over the operations of the church from former pastor, Elder Algie Mitchell. Two weeks later the Lord led Kenneth Erickson later to become a minister and then an elder) to come for a visit. This visit resulted in a close and lasting friendship between Elder and Sister Witcher and Elder Erickson. The first Sunday School class that Elder Erickson attended had three members, and the first worship service had nine people.

In a short time, the Lord gave the vision to Elder Witcher to look for a new and larger location. He was led to 25 Mystic Street which was the site of the former Knights of Columbus Hall for Saint Michael's Church and was presently a night club. Although the building was not for sale, the owners agreed to rent a portion to Elder Witcher for the church. Thus, began the long process of praying, cleaning, painting and preparing the room for service. Many of the people participating in the process of preparing the new sanctuary have gone home to be with the Lord. The work continued throughout the late winter and early spring. Elder Witcher was heard to say on many occasions, "We are going to buy this building. This was amazing since many who knew the owners knew that they were not interested in selling under any circumstances. On May 25, 1979 at 4:00 pm. the newly renovated sanctuary of the Pentecostal Church of God in Christ was dedicated by the late Bishop John P. Graham, the Jurisdictional Prelate of Rhode Island. The guest preacher for the afternoon service was Elder Harvey L. Lewis, Sr., the Pastor of the Star of Bethlehem Church of God in Christ. Within six months of the dedication, Elder Witcher entered negotiation with the owners to purchase the building.

Later the Lord blessed the church to open a Christian school, The Providence Christian Academy. Despite some setbacks, Elder Witcher persevered and completed his goals. We were also blessed to have the late State Supervisor of Women for the Rhode Island Jurisdiction as a member of our congregation in the person of Mother Elizabeth Graves. After she was called home to be the Lord on June 1, 1990, the first lady of the Pentecostal Church of God in Christ was appointed to the position of State Supervisor. She served with dignity and grace until she was called home to be with the Lord on October 18, 1994. In 1999, God once again blessed him with a help mate who would share his ministry in the person of Evangelist Mary Datcher-Witcher. The saying that "behind every successful man is a loving, caring and dedicated wife" certainly applies in the life of this ministry.
On May 13, 2019, Pastor Nathaniel Virgil Witcher was called home to be with the Lord. His presence and imprint upon Pentecostal and the surrounding community will never be forgotten. As the church continued to transition, Evangelist Mary Datcher-Witcher was installed as the Pastor on August 15, 2019. After prayerful consideration, Pastor Mary Witcher pursued the wishes of her late husband and recommended that Elder Quintin Nard be appointed pastor of Pentecostal. Bishop Harvey L. Lewis, Sr. received this recommendation and appointed him on April 11, 2020. He later installed him on August 14, 2021.

The church and the sanctuary have taken on different shapes and faces over the years to meet the needs of the growing church. Pentecostal has always been a teaching ministry and has trained many individuals for the work of the kingdom. God has blessed our church with many faithful youth and children who are actively involved in the ministries of the church. He has also blessed us with dedicated men and women who are sharing our church vision: Connecting the World to Christ, Transforming the World through Christ, & Building the Church on Christ. Today, 40 years later, we give all the glory to Almighty God who brought us through many toils and snares, and by His grace we are confident that He will lead us on.

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